A more organized list:
OTAs and Mount
- 8 inch Celestron RASA
- 180mm Orion Maksutov-Cassegrain
- Radian Raptor 61mm Refractor
- Williams Optics FLT91mm Refractor
- DayStar SolarScout in H-Alpha (for viewing our Sun)
- Celestron CGX mount
Imagers (MC=Color, MM=Mono)
- ASI 1600MM Pro
- ASI 2600MM Pro
- ASI 120MM for guide scope
- ASI 462MC Planetary imager
- ASI 183MC Pro
- ASI 183MM Pro
- ASI 174MM Planetary, solar and auto-guiding
- Baader f/2 SII (narrowband for fast telescopes)
- Baader f/2 Ha(narrowband for fast telescopes)
- Baader f/2 O-III (narrowband for fast telescopes)
- Baader UHC-S / L (ultra high contrast for light polluted skies)
- Baader ND 0,6 Transmission 25%
- Baader UV/IR-Cut
- Baader Solar Continuum Filter
- Baader AstroSolar Filter
- Optolong L-enhance (dual-band pass for light polluted skies)
- Optolong L-Pro (multi-band pass for light polluted skies)
- Optolong Filter Set H-Alpha, SII, OIII
- Starizona Filter Drawer
- ASIair Plus
- Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox
- Windows 10 Laptop
- StarSense Autoalign
- Celestron Focus Motor (this focus motor can be used on the Orion Mak)
- ZWO Guide Scope
- ZWO EAF module (on OTAs)
- ZWO OAG (Raptor 61)
- ZWO Filter Wheel (Raptor 61)
- QHY Guide Scope
- QHY Polemaster Polar Alignment Scope
- Pegasus Astro FlatMaster 250 Panel
- Various sizes of Dew Heater Strips
- Batinov masks for precise focusing
Original Setup

- 8″ Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA 8)
- CGX mount
- Starsense Autoalign
- Celestron Focus Motor
- Star Pointer Finderscope
- ASI294MC Pro Color DSO imager
- ASI120MM Mini imager and Mini guide scope for auto-guiding
- ASIAIR WiFi device for remote imaging
- Optolong L-enhance Light Pollution Dual-Bandpass imaging filter
- Starizona Filter Drawer

As you can see I’ve made a few changes and added several things since I started this hobby in August.
I also added a dovetail bar to the top in order to allow various pieces of equipment to move with the tube instead of having a ton of wires hanging off the back and potentially becoming tangled.
- Top dovetail bar (added)
- Dovetail adapter plates for mounting (added)
- Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox (added)
- Dew heaters for the tube and guide scope (added)
- QHY PoleMaster Polar Alignment Scope (added)
- ASI1600MM Mono DSO imager (new)
- Startech 7 Port USB hub (added)
- Optolong L-Pro Deep Sky Filter (new)
- Baader Nebula Filter (new)

I think the only new piece here is the ASIair Pro and I moved the USB hub around.
I also have the tripod location marked in the yard so that I get it mostly in the same spot each time I’m able to take it out. This eliminates the need for a finder scope. And it makes it super easy to align quickly using the QHY PoleMaster camera and software.
Now if I can just get the weather to cooperate.